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Building Fluid User Interfaces with Qt Quick and QML(Qt5)
Welcome (12:56)
Installing Qt and Qt Creator on Windows (Update Nov 2020) (10:28)
Installing Qt and Qt Creator on Linux and Mac(Update Nov 2020) (10:52)
Running your QML Applications (13:09)
Dissecting the QML Syntax
QML Syntax : An Overview (15:40)
Basic Types of the QML Language-Part1 (11:33)
Basic Types of the QML Language-Part2 (16:44)
Property Binding in Qt (9:21)
The Qt Quick Global Object (10:55)
Properties and handlers (6:04)
Qt Quick Basic Elements
A tour of Qt Quick basic Elements Part 1 of 2 : Item, Rectangle and Text (12:07)
A tour of Qt Quick basic Elements Part 2 of 2 : Image (8:34)
Building your own custom elements (15:40)
Signals and Slots
Signals and Slots Explained (5:32)
SignalsAndSlotsDemo (9:53)
Signals and Slosts Demo2 ( Have two external components communicate) (13:16)
User Input Elements
User Input Elements Overview (0:45)
TextInput Element (10:14)
TextEdit Element (9:52)
MouseArea,Drag and Drop (15:21)
Keys Attached Properties (10:12)
Key Navigation (10:07)
Focus Scope (9:13)
Working with Javascript
How Javascript fits int QML (8:16)
Introduction to Javascript in QML (7:48)
Functions and Scope (6:31)
Direct Import of JS Files (5:37)
Indirect Import of JS Files (9:00)
Qt Quick Positioning
Qt Quick Positioning Offerings(Intro) (1:43)
Anchors Part1 of 2 (11:27)
Anchors Part2 of 2 (7:54)
Positioners (13:41)
Layouts (15:24)
Flow (7:48)
Qt and Qt Quick on Mobile Devices
Qt on Multiple Platforms (6:14)
Qt on Android-Setting Up Environment (16:16)
Running your Qt Quick App on Android (10:42)
Qt On IOS (2:45)
Qt Quick Controls
Introduction to QtQuick Controls (6:26)
Button (11:13)
Button Control (Mobile) : Yet another Qt on Android Demo (4:45)
Busy Indicator Control (13:43)
CheckBox Control (4:25)
ComboBox Control (17:56)
Delay Button (7:29)
Dial Control (5:39)
Frame (3:15)
GroupBox, RadioButton and CheckBox (7:21)
SwipeView and PageIndicator (9:34)
ProgressBar (4:52)
RangeSlider (5:27)
Flickable and Scrollbar (5:41)
Slider (4:07)
Switch (4:15)
Page,SwipeView and TabBar (7:36)
TextArea (7:32)
TextField and Label (5:24)
SplitView Control (6:11)
Drawer Control (12:42)
SpinBox Control (6:27)
Application Window and Menus (Desktop) (16:57)
Introduction to Dialogs in Qt Quick (2:47)
ColorDialog (7:40)
FileDialog (9:07)
FontDialog (4:39)
MessageDialog (2:32)
Custom Dialogs (14:26)
Models Views and Delegates
Introduction to Model View Architecture (6:30)
ListView and ListModel (11:22)
Using a Direct(Inline) Models and Delegates (4:18)
Decorations, Header, Footer and Highlight (8:12)
Decorations : Sections (9:01)
Repeaters (5:27)
Modifying yourModels Dynamically (10:50)
GridView (5:40)
XMLListModel (20:00)
Transforms, Transitions and Animations
Introduction to Transforms, Transitions and Animations (4:23)
Transforms,Translation,Rotation and Scaling (11:32)
Working with Animations (8:43)
Standalone Animations (6:17)
Easings. (20:27)
Grouped Animations (8:20)
Demo , Animated Ball Fall (14:45)
States and Transitions (13:40)
States with Gradients (8:01)
Qt Quick Network Offerings (10:57)
Downloading HTTP Data (17:08)
Consuming REST APIs in Qt Quick App (15:02)
Qt Quick Storage Offerings (9:36)
Settings (11:02)
Custom Settings (10:05)
Local Storage : SQLite (24:11)
Best Practices
Best Practices,Next Steps. (6:11)
Busy Indicator Control
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